Monday, July 6, 2009


So, I guess it was inevitable - my little ZZ had to get braces. OMG. Too be honest I was scared for her. I never had braces so I didn’t know if they would hurt or not. Zena was excited. Excited about all the different colored bands she could put on her braces. She was a real trooper at the Ortho - no tears. So brave. She hasn’t complained about pain too much & I think the worst part is flossing every night. Also - giving up all her favorite snacks, candy, chocolate, chips. I told her she is going to be a skinny minnie by the time she gets her braces off. I think she looks so cute in braces.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Wow. She is brave. I had braces for 5 years and I complained every minute! Yeah, keep any acidic drinks like juice & soda away. They really do stain your teeth forever. I spent $400 on teeth bleaching after I got them off & they still have stains.